FMCG Gurus -Kerry Webinar
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FMCG Gurus & Kerry Webinar
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FMCG Gurus & Kerry Presents:

Responding to the growing needs of the immune and digestive health consumer in an
ever-changing environment.

SESSION ONE: 22-06-2021     START TIME: 08:00 AM BST     DURATION: 60 Minutes

SESSION TWO: 22-06-2021     START TIME: 15:00 PM BST     DURATION: 60 Minutes

Session two will be the same presentation as session one.

Webinar Description: (25-minute FMCG Gurus presentation / 25-minute Kerry presentation / 10-minute Q&A)

Presentation Description:

This webinar will examine the continued evolution of attitudes and behaviors towards digestive health and the immune system, two areas of wellbeing that many consumers feel are interlinked. The focus will be on the growing prevalence of digestive health problems and declining satisfaction towards immunity and how this is a long-term issue as opposed to a reaction to the past twelve months. We will examine what steps consumers are taking to address these areas of health, and why, as well as the role that ingredients are playing in product choice – and how the industry needs to respond to this.

Further to this, Kerry’s recent proprietary global consumer research provides valuable insights that highlights the key considerations for brands and manufacturers to create successful products that appeal to and build trust with immune and digestive health consumers.

What You Will Gain From This Webinar:

 Analyze trends and apply context when assessing evolving attitudes and  behaviors towards wellbeing and why there is a focus on addressing  digestive issues and the immune system.
 Understand the types of products consumers want digestive and  immune health benefits in and when they want to consume these.
 Determine how to position ingredient and health claims so that they have  maximum influence on purchasing habits.


Mike Hughes

Head of Research and Insight

Mike Hughes has over 13 years’ experience analysing consumer trends, attitudes and behaviours and currently heads up the research and insight division at FMCG Gurus. Mike has a particular interest in highlighting how consumer attitudes and behaviours can often differ and what the true meaning of trends are for the industry.

Niamh Hunt, PhD

Assistant Marketing Manager

Niamh Hunt, PhD, joined Kerry Taste & Nutrition in March 2019 as marketing analyst for the Applied Health & Nutrition team. Niamh graduated from Dublin City University with a PhD in Immunology, where she identified protein hydrolysates with beneficial immune-modulating capabilities. Niamh previously worked as a Project Manager with Food for Health Ireland (FHI), where she collaborated with the Irish dairy industry in identifying bioactive milk ingredients with health benefits as well as researching key markets for growth. During her time with FHI, Niamh completed protein hydrolysate research on behalf of Kerry. Niamh has brought her interest in nutrition and health to her current role as Assistant Marketing Manager working with the ProActive Health marketing team globally.

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