FMCG Gurus - Snacking Trends free resource Download
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Snacking Trends Free Resource

FMCG Gurus - Snacking Trends Free Resource Download

Our Snacking Trends free resource explores consumer attitudes and behaviors around snack products and snacking habits.
The report provides insights into consumers eating habits and patterns around skipping meals, including the times of the day that this occurs. Our findings uncover the proportion of consumers who feel as though they have snacked or less frequently over the last twelve months, as well as the portion of consumers who believe that their snacking habits have become healthier. Following this, our consumer insights present the kinds of claims that cause consumers to deem a snack more premium or high quality.


The report offers insight into consumer perceptions around comfort and indulgence when snacking. During this time of financial uncertainty and with the busy lifestyles that consumers lead, our report reveals the ways brands can cater to consumers by providing tasty snacking products which are also good value for money. Importantly, the report reveals some of the challenge’s consumers face when seeking out health-boosting food and drink snacks. Our insights demonstrate the changes consumers are looking to make to their snacking habits in order to improve their health.

*Please note, clients have access to this and other regions within their subscription packages.

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