FMCG Gurus -Top Ten Trends for the 2024 Webinar
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Webinar: Top Ten Trends for 2024

FMCG Gurus Present:

Top Ten Trends for 2024

DATE: 17 January 2024
DURATION: 45 Minutes

Webinar Description:

(30-minute FMCG Gurus presentation / 15-minute Q&A)

Presentation Description:

FMCG Gurus introduces its Top Ten Trends for 2024. This webinar will examine the key trends that will shape consumer attitudes and behaviors over the next twelve months and what opportunities and challenges brands will face when targeting these trends.

What you will learn:

Identifies the Top Ten Trends that will shape consumer attitudes and behaviors in 2024 and beyond.

Explores our Top Trends : Maximize my value, Green Horizon, My Plate My Profile, Strive for Happiness, Natural Harmony, Breaking Barriers, Tech Meets Taste, For Today Better Tomorrow, Pursuing Simplicity, Revive & Thrive.

Understand the evolving variety of need states of consumers in 2024.

*Presentation slides will be available to download after webinar for attendees only.*


Mike Hughes

Head of Research and Insight, FMCG Gurus

Will Cowling

Senior Strategic Marketing Manager, FMCG Gurus

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Top Ten Trends for 2024 Webinar Video.

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