FMCG Gurus -Indulgence Resource

FMCG Gurus – Understanding the Change in Indulgence – Bitesize Trend Digest 2024

FMCG Gurus - Top Ten Trends 2023

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 Pages:  14  Topic: Indulgence  Published Date:  2024

In the food and drink industry, indulgence and comfort trends remain prominent. In times of uncertainty, such as the current cost of living crisis and global conflicts, many consumers turn to indulgence as a form of comfort and escapism. This trend can also be driven by nostalgia for traditional home comfort foods and beverages, with certain flavors evoking emotional reactions and associations among consumers.

With feelings of guilt being associated with more indulgent offerings, the trend of nutritious and convenient indulgence in the food and drink industry reflects consumers’ desire for products that offer both health benefits and convenience without sacrificing on taste and moments of indulgence. In today’s fast-paced world, consumers seek food and drink options that are not only indulgent in taste and experience but also nutritionally beneficial and easy to incorporate into their routine.

  • Insights into snacking habits, especially during times of uncertainty.
  • Exploring indulgence without concern for nutrition, and as part of a healthy, balanced diet.
  • An interview with FMCG Gurus’ Marketing Executive, Kate Kehoe, revealing the current innovations in indulgence food, and how brands can create maximum appeal for their products in the indulgence market.
  • Reveals insights in the chocolate market, including enhancing mood and emotional wellness, and the appeal of nostalgic products.

Report Agenda and Insights available:

Section 1: Snacking Habits
  • [CN314] To what extent do you agree with the statement "Over the last twelve months, I have been more attentive to the ingredient listings on food and drink products that I buy" 2023
  • [SNA478] Compared to twelve months earlier, do you think you are snacking more or less frequently? 2023
  • [SNA490] Compared to twelve months earlier, do you think your snacking habits have become more or less healthy? 2023
  • [SNA092] To what extent do you agree with the following statement "I like to enjoy snacking occasions where I am motivated purely by indulgence and pay little-to-attention to nutritional intake" 2023
  • [SNA419] To what extent do you agree with the following statement "It is okay to enjoy the occasional snacking treat as part of an overall healthy diet" 2023
  • [SNA554] What do you think makes a snack more premium/higher quality? 2023
Section 2: The Chocolate Market
  • [SSM101] What kind of products would you like to see that are positioned around helping improve sleeping patterns that you eat before going to bed? 2022
  • [COL028] To what extent do you agree with the following statement "Over the last twelve months, I have sought out products and flavors that remind me of the past and simpler times" 2023
  • [FCT43701] How appealing are traditional/nostalgic flavors? 2022

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