17th December 2019
Consumers are looking for products that aid Digestive health
Global consumers are actively looking to combat digestive health problems. Many consumers are adopting the concept of holistic health are recognizing the link between all aspects of health. Consumers believe by finding products that aid digestive health issues, this will also benefit them by improving their overall health and wellbeing. People are actively seeking better-for-me products as they look to improve their quality of life. So, what are consumers looking for when it comes to digestive health products?
Digestive Health
FMCG Gurus research shows that 20% of global consumers are not happy with their current digestive health. This is having an impact on their everyday lives with uncomfortable feelings throughout the day. This has led to many more consumers to seek products that help aid this issue. Even consumers who currently do not suffer from digestive health understand the importance of keeping it under control. 61% of global consumers state they are interested in products even when not suffering specific health problems. This is down to people adopting the concept of holistic health as 68% recognize that all aspects of health are interlinked.

Dietary Habits
Dietary habits are one-way consumers can improve their digestive health, with 27% of people having changed their diets. FMCG Gurus research shows that 47% regularly seek out food and drink products that can improve digestive health. There are many issues people suffer from related to their digestive system. 57% find food and drink products positioned around improving digestive health appealing, and four in 10 consumers state they would be willing to pay a premium price for these products.
When buying digestive health products consumers will look for ingredients, they associate with helping this issue. FMCG Gurus research shows of the consumers who have heard of the ingredients, there are three key ingredients consumers associate with helping digestive health are; Omega 3 (46%), Prebiotics (45%), and Boswellia (46%). when buying products that contain these ingredients consumers tend to look for how much of the ingredient is used in the product. This is the highest for Boswellia as 49% will check for the amount of the ingredient in the product over the claims and the price. However, Boswellia is an ingredient that needs more awareness built around its benefits to digestive health as only 19% of consumers have heard of it.
Digestive health issues are impacting consumers everyday lives, by addressing these issues, consumers can look to improve their overall health and have a better quality of life. Changing dietary habits is one of the key methods consumers are adopting to aid digestive health. Brands can use ingredients like Omega 3, Probiotics, and Boswellia within their products as consumers are more aware of the benefits they bring they may offer and will be more likely to pay a premium for these products.
This article is based on our Global and Regional Digestive Health Survey Q3 2019.