Joint and Bone Health Concerns
In recent years, consumers are increasingly aware of how joint and bone health can have an impact on overall health, with 64% of global consumers recognizing this link. Consumers understand how joint and bone health can impact other areas of well-being, such as mobility. Despite this, only 5% of consumers state that their joint and bone health is their main health concern. This suggests that other health issues are taking priority for most consumers across the globe.
FMCG Gurus consumer insights found that over half of global consumers are satisfied with their current joint and bone health. Instead, many consumers are turning to joint and bone health products and looking to improve this area of their health before they are suffering from any symptoms. This reflects how many consumers have adopted a proactive approach to their health and wellbeing, making changes to their lifestyles and diets to prevent future health issues and boost their immunity.
For those consumers that are looking to address symptoms, the main problems that they suffer from includes neck pain, shoulder pain, and ankle pain. There are multiple factors that could contribute to these problems such as poor dietary habits, an ageing society, and a lack of exercise. Consumers state that these problems can limit their ability to relax and unwind due to pain, and that they want to address these problems to improve their health as they age and increase their mobility in both the short term and the long term.

Dietary Changes
One of the areas that consumers are addressing in order to improve their joint and bone health is their diet. As consumer attitudes towards their health have changed in the last few years as a result of the pandemic, more people are conscious of how changing their diet can impact their overall wellness and improve areas of health. This is true in the case of joint and bone health; consumers look for products that can improve symptoms or promote healthy joints and prevent future problems from occurring.
Food and Drink Products
When asked what kind of food and drink products consumers turn to in order to boost their health, 89% of consumers stated that they turn to fruit and vegetables. These products are natural foods that are known and trusted to provide health benefits and can be easily included in a daily diet. Additionally, as consumers put more research into what products and ingredients can benefit specific areas of health, consumers have looked to consume more food and drink products that are high in protein. There is somewhat of a health halo surrounding protein and therefore many consumers look to maximize their intake of the ingredient. Protein is known for its ability to build and repair tissue and improve strength, consumers will turn to these products to improve symptoms of joint and bone pain and ensure that they do not develop future problems. It is important that brands promote products high in protein whilst educating consumers about the ingredients and how it can benefit them. Calcium is another ingredient that consumers may find desirable when looking to improve their joint and bone health. This is reflected in the number of consumers that turn to products such as milk, yogurt, and other dairy products to aid their joint and bone health.
FMCG Gurus consumer insights found that 61% of global consumers are likely or very likely to find products positioned around improving bone and joint health appealing and 46% would be willing to pay a premium for these products. This highlights that a large proportion of consumers are seeking products that will address their joint and bone health as they recognize how this can improve overall health and wellbeing. To encourage these consumers to pay a premium price, brands should ensure that any health claims they make are evidence-led and accurate. Consumers should feel like they are getting good value for money, especially in a time of decreased financial confidence.

Lifestyle Changes
As consumers approach their health holistically, they are looking to address multiple aspects of their lifestyle alongside making changes to their diet in order to improve their joint and bone health. Even when not yet suffering from any symptoms, consumers are adopting a proactive approach and making these changes in order to protect themselves against future potential joint and health problems.
FMCG Gurus consumer research found that 39% of global consumers state that they have increased the amount they exercise in order to improve their bone and joint health. Many consumers recognize that lack of exercise can contribute to joint problems and joint pain and by exercising more, they could improve these symptoms and increase mobility. Additionally, some consumers found that they put on weight during the pandemic. They also understand that excess weight can put a strain on joints and bones, and they have increased exercise to lose this additional weight.
Another way that consumers have made changes to their lifestyle to improve joint and bone health is by addressing their sleeping habits. 38% of global consumers state that they have looked to get more sleep, to improve their bone and joint health. Consumers recognize how different aspects of health impact other areas. Improving sleep health can result in increased energy, more motivation to exercise, and a well-rested body that is able to fight any health issues more effectively.
This article is based on FMCG Gurus: Healthy Ageing Series: Joint and Bone Health in 2022.