18th March 2020
Consumer Attitudes Towards the Immune System

Consumers are being more proactive towards their immune systems. This is being driven by several factors. For instance, consumers recognize that changing dietary habits and greater levels of inactivity are having a direct impact on their health. Additionally, consumers can be concerned about germs and bacteria and are also becoming more educated on the topic of immunity. This is leading to consumers being more proactive when it comes to addressing the immune system. But what are consumers looking for to improve their immune systems?
Consumers Immune Systems
FMCG Gurus consumer insights show that only 54% of consumers indicate they are satisfied with their immune system. At a time when consumers feel that all aspects of health are interlinked, the research shows that a considerable proportion of consumers believe that their immune systems could be improved. Consumers are likely to associate a poor immune system with ease of catching illnesses (61%) and feeling constantly fatigued (53%). Consumers, more than ever, are recognising the link between all aspects of their health and are taking proactive approaches. Many consumers are concerned about their health, and four in ten feel that they are vulnerable to illness.
Consumer Actions
Consumers are taking a proactive approach such as changing their diets to maintenance a good immune system. FMCG Gurus research shows that 53% of global consumers have made changes to their diets and lifestyles in order to improve their immune system. One dietary change consumers are making is eating more fresh fruit and vegetables (63%). Other changes include:
- Increased intake of protein (62%)
- Reduce sugar intake (56%)
- Increased intake of vitamins and minerals (40%)

Consumers are embracing the concepts of holistic health and healthier for longer, becoming more proactive and having a long-term focus when it comes to health maintenance and improvement as they look to maintain a good quality of life. This is highlighted as 35% of global consumers say they are not suffering from any problems but want to take a proactive approach to their health. This approach has led to consumers wanting functional food and drink products that offer claims which aid the immune system. FMCG Gurus research shows that 58% are interested in these products. Iron is the ingredient must associate with boosting the immune systems as 70% of consumers suggesting this.
Brands and manufacturers can promote the concept of holistic health. Consumers recognize that all aspects of health are interlinked and should not be treated in isolation, as they proactive look for new products that offer a functional benefit which can aid multiple health concerns. As such, the industry should encourage consumers to take steps to improve their health and wellness in general, because they will have a positive impact on their immunity.