23rd March 2020
Consumer Attitudes Towards Cognitive Health

Cognitive Health
Consumers are looking to improve all areas of their health, but cognitive health is one key area consumers are focusing on. FMCG Gurus consumer research shows that 17% of global consumers say they are not currently satisfied with their mental wellness. Although the percentage of consumers is not that high, six in ten consumers state they are still interested in cognitive health products even when not suffering from any specific problems. This desire for these products is being driven by consumer adopting a holistic health approach to their lifestyles, understand that all areas of health and wellness are interlinked. This is highlighted as 65% say they recognise the link between cognitive health and overall health.
Consumer Changes
One of the main changes consumers are making to improve their cognitive health is changing their diets as they seek products that aid cognitive health issues. When asked what changes were made in the last twelve months, 22% of consumer stated they consumed high protein foods, whilst 25% ate more fresh fruit and vegetables. FMCG Gurus consumer insights show that 42% regularly seek out food and drink products that can improve cognitive health. Ingredients can be a good way of targeting the right consumers. FMCG Gurus research shows that consumers associate a number of ingredients with improving cognitive health these being:
- Vitamin D (41%)
- Turmeric (41%)
- Calcium (41%)
- Plant Sterols (43%)

Claims can also be important when targeting the right consumers, and by positioning food and drink products around aiding cognitive health, can increase the likeliness of a consumer purchasing a brands product. This is highlighted as 45% find this appealing with 33% willing to pay a premium price for products positioned around aiding mental wellness.
Driving Factors
There are many reasons why consumers may be looking to improve their cognitive health with the main reason being that consumers now recognise the link between all areas of health. FMCG Gurus consumer insights show that over a quarter of consumers say they suffer from stress most to all of the time. This is just one health issue consumers face which is having a direct impact on their quality of life. This highlights the second reason consumers are looking to improve their mental well-being as they look to improve their quality of life. This is highlighted as 50% of consumers who currently suffer from specific health issues say they want a good quality of life. This is a key driving factor to why consumers are actively seeking products that can improve their mental wellness.
Brands and manufacturers can target consumers who are looking to improve their cognitive health. Brands can position products that aid mental wellness which will in turn improve consumers quality of life. This is key, as consumers are actively seeking these products and are willing to pay premium prices as they look for FMCG goods that can help them achieve holistic health.
For more information on our Global and Regional Cognitive Health survey please click here.