Women are increasingly taking an active role in maintaining their well-being, with a greater emphasis on addressing everyday health concerns. However, the high costs associated with health and wellness products are causing more attentive purchasing decisions. Attention to emotional wellness is being recognized as equally important as physical health for ensuring overall long-term well-being. Additionally, there is a growing market for food, beverages, and supplements that support women’s menstrual health. Furthermore, there is a pressing need for a more comprehensive approach to cater to the needs of perimenopausal, menopausal, and post-menopausal women.

Health Goals
In general, women perceive themselves as being in good health, although it should be noted that there has been a slight decrease in the proportion who hold this view compared to two years ago. While women are more likely to report that their health has improved rather than declined over the last two years, there has been a noticeable decrease in women who believe their health has improved in 2023 compared to 2021. For instance, FMCG Gurus’ consumer insights reveal that in 2021, 27% of women globally felt their health had slightly improved, compared to 22% of women globally in 2023. This suggests that as fear of the pandemic diminishes, there has been less urgency placed on maximizing wellness.
In the next twelve months, women are looking to enhance various areas of their well-being. For example, FMCG Gurus’ market research highlights that women would like to improve their weight, sleep health, energy levels, stress levels, and general health. It is also crucial to note that during times of uncertainty, women acknowledge the equal importance of emotional wellness to physical well-being for sustaining long-term health.
Brands must be aware that post-pandemic, women are prioritizing their day-to-day health. For example, after enhancing overall health, the three major priorities for women are improving waistlines, sleep health, and energy levels. These findings also indicate that many women perceive a return to post-pandemic society and financial concerns as creating daily obstacles to their health and well-being.

Weight Management
Increased levels of uncertainty and stress can cause comfort eating. During this process, individuals tend to pay less attention to their nutritional intake, potentially resulting in weight gain. With increased pressure to conform to society’s narrow beauty standards, weight gain can cause more feelings of stress among women. FMCG Gurus’ findings show that 39% of women globally feel they have put on weight in the last twelve months. Following this, 43% of women on a global scale have attempted to lose weight over the last twelve months. In terms of the dieting market, products mustn’t be linked with compromise. In addition, marketing strategies must avoid presenting narrow stereotypes of attractiveness.
Emotional Wellness
Emotional well-being is of significance among women. Many consider this area of health just as important as physical health. Also, with the pressures of rising prices, it is clear that emotional wellness is being impacted. Financial concerns and insufficient sleep are linked with impacting mental well-being. For instance, FMCG Gurus’ consumer insights reveal that 58% of women globally think their mental health is being impacted by a lack of sleep. However, our findings also indicate that some emotional wellness issues could be self-imposed. For example, FMCG Gurus’ market research shows that 59% of women globally spend too much time on digital devices. This excessive time spent looking at screens is linked with inadequate sleep hygiene and difficulty relaxing.
Menstrual Health
As the population ages, an increasing number of women will fall into the categories of perimenopausal, menopausal, or post-menopausal. These women are typically embracing a proactive approach to health. The challenges confronted by women in these stages of life can significantly impact their personal and professional quality of life. Additionally, women may not be fully aware of the range of non-prescription products available to help manage their symptoms. This leads many women to consider their conditions as inevitable rather than seeking out alternative products for symptom management outside of professional healthcare. As a result, brands must raise awareness around the range of products available to deal with these symptoms.